Important Dates In The History Of The Congregation
Important Dates In The History Of The Congregation: 1705 - 2016
Vocation of Brother Mathurin Rangeard, catechist, singer, animator, schoolmaster.
First Profession of 4 of the Brothers of the Holy Spirit: Louis, Philippe, Nicolas and Gabriel. Brothers, followers of Montfort, are called by him to run charitable schools at La Rochelle.
27 April 1716: Before his death, Montfort foresees that one section of the «Brothers of the Holy Spirit» devotes itself to the «charitable schools».
Brother Jacques looks after the charitable school at Saint-Laurent, from 1717 to 1720, at Nantes, from 1724 to 1727. Brother Joseau succeeds him at Saint-Laurent, from 1722 to 1759.
Saint-Laurent: purchase of the house “Chêne-Vert” to accommodate the Brothers of the Holy Spirit who take care of the charitable school and to look after the poor.
5 Brothers of the Holy Spirit are massacred by the revolutionary troops.
Fr Deshayes, Superior General of the Montfortian Congregations, gives to the small group of the Brothers of the Holy Spirit an extraordinary impetus, especially for the teachers.
The Congregation of the Brothers of the Christian Instruction of the Holy Spirit is officially recognized in 5 Departments in the West of France. Fr Deshayes gives them a Rule.
On September 22, 42 Brothers make their Religious Profession. Brother Athanase is sent to the Chartreuse of Auray to initiate the education of the deaf, and then to take care of the group of boys. Fr Deshayes later founded several schools for the deaf, boys and girls.
Father Deshayes named Brother Augustin (Jean Éveno), Director of the group of the Brothers, and Brother Siméon (François Brevet), Deputy Director and Master of Novices.
On October 15, 33 Brothers and Novices of the Holy Spirit moved out to Maison Supiot. From then on it was called “St.Gabriel”.
Foundation of Saint-Gabriel Boarding School at Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre.
The new Rule of the Brothers of the Christian Instruction is approved by the Bishop of Luçon, stating that from now on the Brothers will have a Superior General, chosen from among them and by them.
Death of Fr Deshayes, who performed a tremendous work: in 1841, there are 26 Fathers and 42 Brothers (+ 8 Novices) attached to Holy Spirit House; 99 Brothers and 36 Novices attached to Saint Gabriel House; 1593 Daughters of Wisdom and 95 Novices.
The group of the Brothers of the Christian Instruction of Saint Gabriel becomes an independent Congregation.
The Congregation is officially recognized throughout France, under the name of « Congregation of the Brothers of the Christian Instruction of Saint Gabriel. »
At Loudun, first congress of the Brothers involved in the teaching of the deaf.
1st General Chapter of the Congregation, with the Chapter delegates chosen by the Brothers.
1st Provincial in the history of the Congregation: Brother Louis de Gonzague, Provincial of South from 1860 to 1890.
Creation of a unique feature in the Congregation: that of Brother Visitor for the Houses of the Deaf. Brother Hubert held that function from 1862 to 1883. The function will continue till 1905.
The Circular of Rev. Bro. Eugene Marie on « The Need for Studies ». One of the key priorities of the Superior is the professional and pedagogical formation of the Brothers, their preparation for the official exams.
Beatification of the Father de Montfort at Rome by Pope Leo XIII.
September 25: arrival of six Brothers in Canada. (The first establishment outside of France.)
Arrival of the Brothers in Belgium, Gabon, and Djibouti.
Arrival of the Brothers in Thailand (1st establishment in Asia).
In France, persecution against the Church and the Congregations: nationalization of the schools, secularization.
Arrival of the Brothers in Switzerland, in England, in Italy, in Spain, in Netherland, in India, and in Madagascar. Installation of the Central Administration in Belgium.
February 19: Decree of Approbation of the Institute by the Holy See, and approval of the Constitutions « ad experimentum ».
Official Approval of the Constitutions by the Holy See.
Spanish Civil War: between July and November, 49 Brothers and their Chaplain are massacred. The process of the beatification of these martyrs will begin in 2001.
July 20: canonization of St Louis-Marie de Montfort, in Rome, by Pope Pius XII.
Installation of the General House in Rome.
Year of the largest number of Brothers: 1785 Brothers and 109 Novices, therefore close to 1900 members
Election of Brother Romain Landry, Canadian: 1st Superior General who is not French.
May 30: massacre of 7 Brothers (6 Belgians and 1 Dutch) at Buta, RD Congo.
1st Session of 24th Special General Chapter for the revision of the Rule of Life and Constitutions: decision to create Provincial Chapters and introduction to priesthood for the needs of the Congregation.
1st Council of the Institute in Rome, regrouping the Central Administration, the Provincials and the District Superiors.
April 28: Final Approval of the Rule of Life and the Constitutions by the Holy See.
October: Division of the Province of South India into two Regions: Trichy and Yercaud
May 16: Beatification of Marie-Louise Trichet, in Rome, by Pope John Paul II
July 20: Entering of the Feast of Saint Louis Marie in the Roman Universal Calendar.
September 19: Pilgrimage of Pope John Paul II to the tomb of St. Louis-Marie, at Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre.
June 29: Message of Pope John Paul II to the Montfortian Family on the 50th anniversary of Montfort’s Canonization.
September 27-29: Historical meeting of the 3 Councils of the Institute of the 3 Congregations at the Generalate of the Brothers of St. Gabriel in Rome.
On 29: Celebration of the Unity of the Montfortian Family.
1st Session of IMI (International Montfortian Institute)
28 April: Creation of three Provinces in India: North-East, Trichy and Yercaud
Arrival of the Brothers in Poland, Philippines and in the State of Sabah (Malaysia).
July 6: Bus accident in Spain. 27 students and teachers from our schools of Ripollet and Viladecans in Spain, were killed and 30 were injured.
July 17-19: 1st International Encounter in St Laurent-sur-Sèvre (RISL) (France)
October 11-13: Montfortian Symposium in Rome
October: Centenary of the arrival of the Brothers in Gabon
The General Council authorises the Province of Spain to begin the process of the beatification of the 49 presumed martyrs Brothers of Spain and their Chaplain.
October 20: Celebration of the centenary of the arrival of the Brothers in Thailand
November 17: Creation of the «Gabrielite Secretariat for Justice and Peace» (GSJP)
September: Celebration of the Centenary of the arrival of the Brothers in India
September 27: Celebration of the Centenary of the arrival of the Brothers in Spain
September 29: inauguration of the Community House in Czestochowa (Poland)
October 05: Celebration of the Centenary of the arrival of the Brothers in Italy
October 12: Celebration of the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Brothers in Gabon
December 06: Celebration of the Centenary of the arrival of the Brothers in Madagascar
December 8: Letter of Pope John Paul II to the Superiors General of the Montfortian Family, on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the « discovery » of the Treatise of the True Devotion.
September: Setting up of the International Finance Commission
April 28: Regrouping of the Provinces of France, Belgium and Italy and attachment of Poland
December 4: The official opening of the documentation on the 50 presumed martyrs Brothers of Spain, sent by the Archdiocese of Barcelona, by the Congregation for the causes of Saints, in Vatican.
March 25: Setting up of 2 new Provinces: Pune and Hyderabad (in charge of the Sector of Tanzania) by the division of the Province of “Central India”
July 20: 60th Anniversary of Montfort’s Canonisation
August 17: Foundation in Burkina-Faso, at Dedougou, by the Brothers of the Provinces of Senegal, Kinshasa and Brazzaville.
July 01: Setting up of 2 new Provinces: Kinshasa and Brazzaville. The Sector of Rwanda – Burundi is in link with the Central Administration.
December 20: Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the arrival of the Brothers in Congo Brazzaville
April 26: Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the arrival of the Brothers in Senegal
May 30: Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Montfort’s Canonisation
July 14-19: International JPIC Encounter – Bangalore (India)
July 20: Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the arrival of the Brothers in the Republic of Central Africa
July 21-26: International Encounter of Partnership – Bangalore (India)
September 15-26: Cap-de-la-Madeleine (Canada): 14th Council of the Institute.
December 13: Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the District of East Africa
January 20: Celebration of the 60th anniversary of the arrival of the Brothers in Brazil
February 15 – August 13: 3rd International Session of IMI: 5 DW, 10 SMM and 10 FSG (Generalate of the FSG Rome and France)
February 15 – June 30: Generalate: 3rd International IMI programme with 5 DW, 10 SMM et 10 BSG.
March 25: Release of the Document “Partnership General Guidelines” to implement the new forms of relationship between the Laity and the Brothers of St. Gabriel.
February 19: Centenary of the Decree of Approbation of the Institute by the Holy See.
October: Release of the Document: « Montfortian Education Charter – Montfortian Education in the 21st Century”
September 12: Celebration of the 3rd Centenary of the Calvary at Pontchâteau
October 04-15: Hyderabad (India): 15th Council of the Institute.
December 07: Inauguration of the Novitiate in Mikese (Tanzania)
August 22: Foundation in Kenya (Nairobi)
November 06: Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of our Spanish Brothers
December 28: Inauguration of the Website of the Congregation
January 01: Transfer of the Mission in Burkina Faso to the Province of Senegal
Celebration of the 3rd Centenary of Treatise of the True Devotion
February 3-4: Inauguration of Montfort Social Institute (MSI) and of the Provincial House in Hyderabad
July 01: Inauguration of the Secretariat for Justice and Peace at Dakar (Senegal)
July 4: Starting the mission in Myanmar (Yangon)
August 30: Inauguration of the Secretariat for Education in Bangalore (India)
May 23: Day of the Brothers at St Laurent-sur-Sèvre (France)
May 24: Opening of the year of the Tercentenary of Montfort’s death
June 02-03: Symposium on Montfort at Angers (France)
September 11: Closing celebration of the Tercentenary year at Pontchâteau