To Be Authentic Leaders
Leadership is a process of influence. Anytime one seeks to influence the thinking, behavior, or development of people towards accomplishing a goal in their personal or professional live are taking on the role of a leader. Effective leadership starts on the inside. Before you can hope to lead anyone else, you have to know yourself. We call this personal leadership because involves choice.
Jesus’ style of leadership is primarily based on authenticity and service. For the followers of Jesus, servant leadership isn’t an option; it’s a mandate.
Being authentic like Jesus is an alignment of heart, head, hands and habits;
Jesus prepared not a crown prince but a generation of successors
Value Statement of a Montfortian Gabrielite
Honour God in everything you do. (God Alone)
Build relationships based on trust and respect.
Maintain integrity and excellence in all your ministries and services
Practice responsible stewardship.
The Resurrection-Inspired Authentic Leadership
“By clearly depicting both sides of the coins, Montfort led people almost imperceptibly to a clear discernment of the choices to make as Disciples of Christ, and how to grow from impe to sanctity”.
Devotion to Mary as the best alternative to bring in authenticity
Mary is an echo of God
Montfort states in the Secret of Mary that “Mary is the wonderful echo of God” (SM 21). “The basis of Mary’s faithfulness is her sharing in the life of God. Authentic leaders are called to an echo of God.
We, the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, had our origins nearly 300 years ago, when Louis Marie de Montfort gathered disciples around him and formed them into the “Community of th Spirit” in 1715 A.D. Our way of consecrated life has become the object of special attention now as we have taken upon ourselves the responsibility of being authentic leaders for greater brotherhood. This shows that not only the Church is fond of this form of consecrated life but the world itself is aspiring to achieve greater brother/sisterhood. Becoming an authentic Montfortian Brother of St. Gabriel places lots of responsibility and tasks on us and invites us to realize and imbibe the necessary qualities.
The word « brother » contains a rich Spirituality: God the Father has called us to follow Jesus, His Son, on the path of Consecrated Brotherhood – to live as brothers of Christ, deeply u with him, ‘the firstborn among many brothers’ (Rom. 8:29; VC. 60). It is in a way a call to authentic Leaders.
We are a community among other ‘brother-communities’: As “Religious Brothers” we are first and foremost Christians, living within the Church, people who are brothers. Like all the ba we are called to holiness according to the vocation proper to us.
We are a community which reminds all of the urgent need for fraternity
Brothers among ourselves, we are brothers to all: We are called to live this in our communities. We move from a Fraternity at a human level to an Evangelical fraternity
Our way of life is a way to humanisation
‘As Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, and heeding the Lord’s call, each of us has freely accepted to live and work with the other Brothers. This has certain anthropological consequences find a strong expression, especially in our manner of making one body, of living in community with other Brothers whom we have not chosen, of living the vows ...’
Authentic Brotherhood is a Call to Foot-washing:
“You call me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet” (Jn.13: 13-14, 17).
Brotherhood is the heart of humanity
Brothers following Montfort their elder Brother: Like St. Louis Marie de Montfort we, Brothers, are shaped by the Word of God
Authentic leadership does not develop in a day. It takes a lifetime.